Musicisti da mezza Europa a Comenduno

Diciotto giovani musicisti, provenienti da mezza Europa, specializzati nello studio della musica antica, sono convenuti per una settimana a Comenduno di Albino, per celebrare il trentennale dell’Associazione del Museo Etnografico…

Komendunesi is a cultural project born in 2019 to give life to musical and creative experiences in Comenduno. The Komendunesi Festival is a part of this project, started to experiment new ways of making culture through creativity, provocation and curiosity. Komendunesi is made possible thanks to the support of the Comenduno Tower Museum.


Komendunesi is a cultural project born in 2019 to give life to musical and creative experiences in Comenduno. The Komendunesi Festival is a part of this project, started to experiment new ways of making culture through creativity, provocation and curiosity. Komendunesi is made possible thanks to the support of the Comenduno Tower Museum.

Ethnographic Museum of the TowerVia Santa Maria 10Comenduno di Albino (BG) 24021

Komendunesi - 2021 | Made with love by FG