Antonia Kallenbach

Viola da gamba

Brief info

Tell us about yourself: who are you and where do you come from?

I'm Antonia and I am from Vienna.

Tell us about a passion you have besides music and why it makes you feel good.

Apart from music I love cooking and coffee.

In your opinion, what makes the Komendunesi Festival special?

Komendunesi festival is very special to me because it connects almost all the things that are important to me and that I love: Making music, having great food, wine and coffee and most importantly to spend time with friends and making new ones. Komendunesi festival immediately makes me feel at home, welcome and almost as part of a big family where everybody is treated with respect.

Three things you are looking forward to most about the 2021 edition of the Komendunesi Festival?

In 2021 I’m most looking forward to meeting the people again that I haven’t seen since the Komendunesi festival 2019.
Also I’m really happy to visit Italy again and looking forward to spending warm summer evenings in the beautiful village of Comenduno with friends and colleagues and hopefully cooking again with le nonne 🙂

What is music to you? 

For me music is a way to express myself and connect with other people on a much deeper level then with most things. Music can give me the possibillity to be completely focused and forget about everything else for a while. I think music is essential for people all over the world and very important for the well-being of body and mind.

A quick music menu of your own:

a piece of music to help you get through the day or morning

a piece of music to help you relax

a piece of music that helps you to release anger or tension

Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.


Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.

Museo etnografico della TorreVia Santa Maria 10,Comenduno di Albino (BG) 24021

Komendunesi - 2021 | Made with love by FG