Marcello Conca


Brief info
Photo: Taken by Benedetta Luiselli and the instrument in the photo is a Quartfagott, kindly provided by Univ. Prof. Klaus Hubmann of Graz ( . It is a copy made by Guntram Wolf of a 17th century instrument preserved in Munich.

Tell us about yourself: who are you and where do you come from?

My name is Marcello, I was born in Bergamo and grew up in Comenduno. I live in Vienna.

Tell us about a passion you have besides music and why it makes you feel good.
My greatest passion after music is being in Comenduno with my family and with the Comendunesi.

What makes the Komendunesi Festival special?

The Komendunesi Festival is special to me because it’s a bond that keeps me to the village and the community where I grew up. It is a great opportunity for me to give back my contribution to the community that helped me grow up and that I love.

Three things you are looking forward to most about the 2021 edition of the Komendunesi Festival?

I am looking forward to work again with all the partners of the Tower Museum and making the museum’s exhibitions accessible to the public again, in accordance with Covid permissions. I count the days until the Komendunesi Festival to play together in the open air in locations around the village. I am also looking forward to the days with morning mess, the Riflessioni and coffee, for a good morning full of energy and good mood.

What is music to you?

Music is communication that surprises.

A quick music menu of your own:

a piece of music to help you get through the day or morning:

Most mornings I wake up and have my breakfast listening to the radio (either Radio Stephansdom or Radio Classique, but there are mornings when I would like to wake up in Comenduno. When this happens, I like to listen to

this as a morning boost:

a piece of music to help you relax:
There is no specific piece of music to help me relax, because listening to music is always challenging – it is always active. Relax for me means being comfortable and reading detective stories books (like Agatha Christie, George Simenon, Fred Vargas, …).

a piece of music that helps you to release anger or tension:
The best remedy for anger or tension is to leave the telephone phone at home and go into nature. Walking helps me to reflect and metabolize about situations that make me nervous or tense. In any case, the important thing is to be able to smile again.
Always a great help to me is this atomic recording:

Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.


Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.

Museo etnografico della TorreVia Santa Maria 10,Comenduno di Albino (BG) 24021

Komendunesi - 2021 | Made with love by FG