Paulina Żmuda

Harpsichord & Fortepiano

Brief info

Tell us about yourself: who are you and where do you come from?

My name is Paulina Żmuda and I come from Poland, but I am currently based in Vienna.

Tell us about a passion you have besides music and why it makes you feel good.

My second big passion apart from music is dance. For many years in childhood and my early twenties, I shared my time between music and dance. I did some ballet, jazz dance, and folk dance. When there is no pandemic, I take part in historical dance classes at the uni, and it gives me a lot of joy. I think dance is a wonderful form of expression.

In your opinion, what makes the Komendunesi Festival special?

I think it is definitely the people and idea of integration between generations, nations, and people who do completely different things in life.

Three things you are looking forward to most about the 2021 edition of the Komendunesi Festival?

Italian coffee (always when I travel to Italy!), people, wonderful nature.

What is music to you?

It is a way to express my sensitivity and a way of communicating.

A quick music menu of your own:

Music actually doesn’t work for me this way. If I have a long day ahead I prefer to do a quick yoga stretch. If I need relaxation I go to the nearest park to look at trees. If I need to release the anger, I talk about it with my friends or boyfriend or go for a fast walk and listen to an audiobook.

Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.


Il festival Komendunesi nasce nel 2019 per dare vita a incontri musicali, divulgativi e culturali nel set di Comenduno, Comunità e Paese che per l’occasione si trasforma in un palco: punto d’incontro di idee, lingue e contaminazioni diverse. Komendunesi è un’esperienza di accoglienza e sperimentazione nata e sostenuta dal Museo della Torre.

Museo etnografico della TorreVia Santa Maria 10,Comenduno di Albino (BG) 24021

Komendunesi - 2021 | Made with love by FG